All About My cakes and Treats

I am a stay-at-home mom who NEEDS a creative outlet! I love to watch Cake Boss and Ace of Cakes. In May of 2009, I decided to see if I could do what they do, and I was immediately hooked on the amount of design and detail that go into it!! After making many practice cakes for friends and family, I started getting orders for birthdays and events. My hobby turned into a "work-from-home" business and here I am! I learn something new with every cake and I am still loving every minute of it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas cookies and cupcakes!!

WOW!  There are so many really fun ideas out there for Holiday cookies and cupcakes!  I am so excited to try some new things this year and do more than just the tradition "iced sugar cookie".  I recently got hooked on Pinterest,  I am getting lots of great ideas from there.  If you have not been on the site yet, check it out!
I am way behind on my usual!  LOL.  Not sure when I will get it completed, but it is looking like this weekend, I will have to make time!!
I hope all of you and your families have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Holidays are upon us!

Well, I made it through Thanksgiving and now have to start getting into the Christmas spirit!  I hear we are possibly going to get some snow on Tuesday, and hope that I can get my decorating done before that happens!  We have yet to put our lights up outside!  Things tend to slow down in the cake department this time of year, but that is fine with me!  It is such a busy time of year, that having just a few here and there works out pretty good!
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and that you were able to get some good quality family time in!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It has been way too long since I had a chance to update my posts on here!!!  September and October are busy months!  Lots of birthdays and celebrations going on and it has kept me on my toes! 
I just completed a very unique cake for a beer distribution company in Northwood Ohio called Treu House of Munch, Inc.  They held an open house party for the official launch of sales for Yuengling Beer in Ohio!!  I was very flattered and excited to do this cake for them and I had so much fun with it!  After I posted the pic on my Face Book page, you could not believe how many people text me wanting to know when and where they could buy this beer!  I literally had to turn the sound off on my cell so that I could go to sleep last night!  I think their sales will do VERY well in Ohio!  LOL
I will try to do better at keeping up with the posting part...I will always post the new pics right away!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Are you ready for school?

The summer is coming to an end and another school year is about to begin!  I cannot believe that my kids are getting ready to start 7th. and 5th. grades!  Where has the time gone?  We had a jam-packed summer full of baseball and softball games, lots of cakes and managed to get away for a weekend of camping! 

I am ready for school!!  I will admit, I am looking forward to having my house back so that it can remain "clean" for more than 5 minutes!  The kids are ready too, it is getting to the point where they are saying  "I'm bored" every 5 minutes!   When that happens, they get put to work! LOL

The weather has finally decided to give us a has been a perfect 80-ish degrees and cool at night!  This is my favorite time of year!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Wow!  I can't believe it is July already!  This summer is going way too fast.  We had a great 4th. of July this past weekend and spent some time with friends and family.  I finally have a little down time to catch up on some things around the house and I am enjoying the hot weather!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Birthday CakeCrazy Edible Art!

This Memorial Day weekend makes 2 years since I entered into this crazy world of cakes!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. 
I hope that everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend!  It looks like we will finally have some nice weather here in Ohio, so take advantage of it and spend some quality time hang'in out with the family!
Above all, remember why we have this holiday....THANK YOU to all who protect and serve this country, and to those who gave their lives!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"The Crazy Season"

I know most of us grew up thinking there were just four seasons in the year, but I am making it official...there are 5!!  It's that time from the end of April till the beginning of July when there are all of the Graduations, Birthdays and Weddings.  By mid-July I need a vacation and usually ask myself again, why I do this, but the answer is always that I love it!
I will be posting more that one picture on here when I have time to post, so be sure to check out each category to see whats new!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!!

April is such a busy month with all of the birthdays and activities.  I have had some really fun and interesting cakes this month and I am really looking forward to some down time with the family this weekend!
Graduation is coming up soon and I have several cakes booked for that and a couple of weddings coming up in June that I am looking forward to!
I hope everyone has a very happy Easter weekend!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring? Is that you?

I think spring is here!  It is a beautiful sunshiny day and the birds are starting to sing.  It is amazing how a little sunshine puts you in a better mood!
I have had some requests from those who visit my blog often, to put the most recent picture where it is easier to find.  So, I will always put the most recent on the front page!  If I have more than 1, you can find the most recent will be the first cake pictured in each category.  Hope this helps!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ready for Spring!!

This seams like the longest winter ever!!  I have had enough of the snow and below freezing temps, bring on the sunshine and warm weather!!  December and January were a little slower for cake orders, but it was a much needed break.  Things are starting to pick up again here in February!  I usually only need about a weeks notice if you want to order a cake, but as it gets closer to Graduations and Wedding season, you may need to call earlier.  I do my best to accommodate everyone, but sometimes, I have to say no.  I don't like to, but I can only handle a certain number of cakes at a time.  The earlier you place your order, the better.
I am loving the new page design for the site!  I think it is much more user friendly!  I appreciate all of the compliments on the look of it!
I have several exciting new cakes coming up, so check back often!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Page Design

WooHooo!!!!  The blogger Gods must have heard my prayers!  Finally, a way for me to have tabs you can click on to view the cakes by theme!!!  Hope this make it easier for everyone to find what they are looking for!